
School Travel Policy

We actively promote healthy, safe school travel. Children in Y4, Y5 and Y6 have annual Level 1 and Level 2 BikeAbility training  We provide annual scooter training for Reception and Y1 children and Learn to ride cycle training for Y2 and Y3;  the children's road sense and confidence in cycling has noticeably increased as well as the number of pupils who do so regularly.
We are participating in the Living Streets Travel Tracker. Children can collect a different badge every month to show that they have done extra walking, cycling or scooting. Even children who travel to school on the bus can take part, walking down their tracks or doing extra walking at playtime, bringing their bikes or scooters. Everyone can take part!
If children ride their bikes or scooters to school, they can then use them at play times if they would like more riding practice!